Video: Corner Carving GTO Takes Down Parked Motorcycles

There are driving roads so famous that people actually come from around the world just to drive them. Among them is Mulholland drive in Los Angeles, a winding canyon road where the rich and poor alike come out to carve some corners. The winding mountain roads definitely make for some good driving, but can also be an invitation to disaster in the wrong hands.

In this case, the wrong hands belonged to a driver of a 2004+ Pontiac GTO, who lost control of his car coming up a hill and slammed into a bunch of parked motorcycles resting at the side of the road. There is some NSFW language in this video, so beware.

There is one spot on Mulholland that is popular as a pull-over for those who come to practice their driving, as well as amateur videographers. In this case, the camera man was perched on a rock overlooking the corner, when the GTO came screaming up the hill, narrowly missing the guardrail.

Unfortunately, he gave the muscle car too much gas at the top of the corner and lost control, sliding across the pull-over and into a trio of motorcycles, nearly sending one off a cliff. The GTO suffered some fender damage, though the motorcycles suffered the brunt of it. Judging from this video alone, we’d say Mr. GTO driver either needs to take some private lessons on a closed course, or else figure out something else to do with his spare time.

About the author

Chris Demorro

Christopher DeMorro is a freelance writer and journalist from Connecticut with two passions in life; writing and anything with an engine.
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